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Thesis collection: Aaltodoc


Aaltodoc is the publication archive of Aalto University | Aaltodoc

The purpose of Aaltodoc is to ensure a long-term preservation of electronic theses and publications of Aalto University. In addition to theses and publications the self-archived versions of the articles published in the scientific journals as well as conference papers are also stored in Aaltodoc. The metadata of theses and publications is published in Aaltodoc. Full-text file is available if the author has given a permission for the electronic publishing of the full-text. The publications stored in the archive have a permanent URN identifier.

Searching documents in Aaltodoc

Basic search

Basic search searches the word(s) from Aaltodoc’s metadata fields, abstract texts and full-text files available in Aaltodoc.


You can browse the archive by Issue Date, Author, Title, Subject, Degree programme / Major subject and Department. You can browse either all archived documents or documents in a specific collection.

Building your search query

Combine, expand, or limit your search with Boolen operators AND, OR, NOT. Write the operators with capital letters.  

  • Searching sustainable AND fashion will return search results with both these words in them.
  • Searching sustainable OR environmental will return search results with either of these words in them.
  • Searching architecture NOT computer will return search results with "architecture" but not including "computer”.
  • Use (...) parenthesis to group query words, for instance technology AND (sustainable OR environmental).

Use * as a wildcard character to search for variants of a word, for instance sustainab* (sustainable, sustainability).
Use ? as a wildcard to replace a single letter, for instance wom?n for woman and women.
Use "..." quotation marks, if you want to search for a compound term, for instance "global warming".

Aaltodoc search tips

Author seach

It is recommended to use browsing when searching documents by the name of the author. Please note that the when using author search, the search will also include the supervisor and advisor fields. Choose the Browse Aaltodoc publication archive -> By Author and write the name of the author (last name, first name) to the search box.

Degree programme /Major subject search

It is recommended to use browsing when searching documents by the name of the degree programme or major subject. Choose the Browse Aaltodoc publication archive -> By Degree programme/Major subject and write the name of the Degree programme or major programme to the search box.

Searching with Aaltodoc’s metadata (dc.) fields

Examples of searching with different dc fields:

Searching dc.title:“case study” will return results where the title includes phrase case study.  

Searching dc.description.abstract:marketing decision making will return results where the abstract includes words marketing and decision and making.  

Searching dc.contributor.supervisor:penttilä, merja will return results where the name of the supervisor is Merja Penttilä.

Searching  dc.contributor.advisor:eloranta, ville will return results where the name of the advisor is Ville Eloranta.

Searching dc.programme:”master's programme in new media” AND dc.subject.keyword:sound will return results where programme’s name is Master's Programme in New Media and the word sound appears in the keywords.

Searching (dc.title:prototyping OR dc.subject.keyword:prototyping) AND dc.programme.major:”digital systems and design” will return results where title and/or keywords includes word prototyping and the programme major is Digital Systems and Design.

Limiting your search to a spesific collection in Aaltodoc

You can limit your search result to a spesific collection by choosing the collection (1a Bachelor’s theses, 1b Master’s theses, 1c Licentiate theses, 1d Doctoral Theses, etc.) from the drop-down list next to the search box.

Too many results?

Use Filters to limit your search results by Author, Subject, Date or Has files.


This guide is partly based on the original DSpace help guide. See the original guide in the DSpace wiki page.

Aaltodoc's metadata fields (dc-fields)

dc.contributor.advisor Thesis advisor Author of the publication



dc.contributor.supervisor Thesis supervisor Date, thesis accepted/approved   Publishing date/year
dc.description    Other text describing the content
dc.description.abstract    Abstract of the publication
dc.description.version    Revieved / not reviewed
dc.format.extent    Number of pages
dc.format.mimetype   MIME-type, usually (application/pdf)
dc.identifier.doi   DOI-number
dc.identifier.isbn   ISBN-number (International Standard Book Number)
dc.identifier.issn   ISSN-number (International Standard Serial Number)
dc.identifier.urn    Urn-identifier (Permanent address of the item)
dc.language.iso    ISO language code
dc.opn    Opponent
dc.programme.major    Major subject
dc.programme.mcode    Major subject code
dc.programme    Programme
dc.publisher     Publisher
dc.relation.haspart   Publication parts, f.e. list of articles
dc.relation.isbasedon    Publication is based on (work)
dc.relation.ispartof    Publication is part of (Compiled work)
dc.relation.ispartofseries    Series name
dc.relation.pagetopage    Pagenumbers
dc.rev    Thesis examiner
dc.rights.holder   Rights holder
dc.rights     Publication rights
dc.subject.helecon    Helecon controlled term
dc.subject.keyword    Keyword
dc.subject.other    Aaltodoc classification
dc.title    Title of the publication
dc.type   Content type, OPM-classification
dc.type.dcmitype   Content type, f.e. (text)
dc.type.ontasot     Thesis level



Theses and publications are protected by copyright. Theses and publications can be used according to copyright legislation exceptions rules, that allow citations with attribution of author and source, and copying for private use. For additional uses, please contact the author or publisher.

Some documents have been published with Creative Commons copyright license. CC license information can be checked from the document file.

More information:

How to publish on Aaltodoc?

Aalto faculty and staff
  • About publishing your research report or other publication on Aaltodoc. Read about Aalto publication series on page Aalto Publication Series.
  • Or contact us by email julkaisut [at]
Aalto students
  • About publishing your bachelor’s, master's or doctoral thesis on Aaltodoc. Please, read the information on page For students: Publicity of a thesis and publishing your thesis.
  • About publishing your special assignment report or course seminar report on Aaltodoc. Please, contact us by email aaltodoc-help [at] This option is available only for specific cources.

Contact us

Aaltodoc is developed and maintained by the Aalto University Learning Centre. You can contact us by email aaltodoc-help [at]

Please note that the Learning Centre does not keep a register of the contact information of the authors. You can contact Aalto University researchers via Aalto University's research portal. You can try Google search when searching contact information for other authors.

How to access the electronic theses not available on Aaltodoc?

All customers can read the electronic theses locally at the Aalto University Harald Herlin Learning Centre's workstations. Find our contact information and service hours from our web page. I Learning Centre

Master’s, licentiate, and doctoral theses with restricted access
  • Use the Aalto Thesis Database remote desktop connection to Aaltodoc. I Aalto Thesis Database instructions
  • Aalto students, faculty and staff can use the Aalto Thesis Database also outside the Learning Centre premises.
Locked bachelor's theses
  • Log in to Learning Centre's workstations and open the thesis file from Aaltodoc.
  • Aalto faculty and staff can access the full texts of bachelor's theses by logging in to Aaltodoc with personal Aalto ID.
Requesting the thesis file from the Learning Centre

You can also request the electronic theses not available in the open network by sending an email to the Learning Centre. Our email address is oppimiskeskus [at] Please note that only private customers can make requests. Please mention the author’s name, title of the thesis and year of publication in your request.