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Thesis collection: By subject

Theses and dissertations by subjects


Arts, Design and Architecture


Bachelor's theses:

  • in Aaltodoc since autumn 2016 | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions | Aaltodoc
  • theses in printed form are not available

Bachelor's theses:

  • in Aaltodoc, from 2014 onwards | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions |  Aaltodoc
  • theses in printed form are not available

Bachelor's theses:

  • in Aaltodoc 2008 onwards | Aaltodoc
  • theses in printed form are not available

Master's theses:

  • in Aaltodoc 1922 onwards | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions
  • theses from 2018 onwards archived only in electronic form
  • printed theses from 1960 to 2008 have been scanned into electronic form
  • remaning printed theses are stored in the archive of the Learning Centre
  • reference information: Aaltodoc | Aalto-Primo

Master's theses:

  • in Aaltodoc, from 2014 onwards | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions
  • theses from 2020 onwards archived only in electronic form
  • printed theses by Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture and its predecessor University of Art and Design Helsinki are stored  in the closed archive of the Learning Centre
  • reference information: Aalto-Primo | Aaltodoc

Master's theses:

  • in Aaltodoc 1900 onwards | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions
  • theses from 2017/2018 onwards archived only in electronic form
  • printed theses from 1960 to 2014 have been scanned into electronic form
  • remaining printed theses are stored in the archive of Learning Centre
  • reference information: Aaltodoc | Aalto-Primo

Licentiate theses:

  • archived only in electronic form
  • printed theses have been scanned into electronic form
  • reference information in Aaltodoc | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions | Aaltodoc
  • reference information available also in Aalto-Primo | Aalto-Primo

Licentiate theses:

  • ARTS - no licentiate theses
  • printed theses from Department of Architecture and University of Art and Design Helsinki are stored in the closed archive of the Learning Centre
  • reference information: Aalto-Primo

Licentiate theses:

  • archived only in electronic form
  • printed theses have been scanned into electronic form
  • reference information in Aaltodoc | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions | Aaltodoc
  • reference information available also in Aalto-Primo | Aalto-Primo

Doctoral theses:

  • in the collection of the Learning Centre | for home loan
  • in Aaltodoc | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions
  • reference information: Aaltodoc | eDiss (1937-2013)
  • availability information: Aalto-Primo

Doctoral theses:

  • in the collection of the Learning Centre | for home loan
  • in Aaltodoc | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions
  • reference information: Aaltodoc
  • availability information: Aalto-Primo

Doctoral theses:

  • in the collection of the Learning Centre | for home loan
  • in Aaltodoc | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions
  • reference information: Aaltodoc
  • availability information: Aalto-Primo

Searching documents in Aaltodoc

Basic search

Basic search searches the word(s) from Aaltodoc’s metadata fields, abstract texts and full-text files available in Aaltodoc.


You can browse the archive by Issue Date, Author, Title, Subject, Degree programme / Major subject and Department. You can browse either all archived documents or documents in a specific collection.

Building your search query

Combine, expand, or limit your search with Boolen operators AND, OR, NOT. Write the operators with capital letters.  

  • Searching sustainable AND fashion will return search results with both these words in them.
  • Searching sustainable OR environmental will return search results with either of these words in them.
  • Searching architecture NOT computer will return search results with "architecture" but not including "computer”.
  • Use (...) parenthesis to group query words, for instance technology AND (sustainable OR environmental).

Use * as a wildcard character to search for variants of a word, for instance sustainab* (sustainable, sustainability).
Use ? as a wildcard to replace a single letter, for instance wom?n for woman and women.
Use "..." quotation marks, if you want to search for a compound term, for instance "global warming".

How to get printed theses from the archive?

Printed theses are stored in the archive of Harald Herlin Learning Centre. Theses in the archive cannot be borrowed but they can be ordered to be read in the Learning Centre premises during customer service opening hours. Please send your orders to us by email oppimiskeskus [at] Mention the name of the author and the name of the thesis in your email.

Ordered items are available for reading on the next business day after 12 am if not otherwise agreed.

How to access the electronic theses not available on Aaltodoc?

All customers can read the electronic theses locally at the Aalto University Harald Herlin Learning Centre's workstations. Find our contact information and service hours from our web page. I Learning Centre

Master’s, licentiate, and doctoral theses with restricted access
  • Use the Aalto Thesis Database remote desktop connection to Aaltodoc. I Aalto Thesis Database instructions
  • Aalto students, faculty and staff can use the Aalto Thesis Database also outside the Learning Centre premises.
Locked bachelor's theses
  • Log in to Learning Centre's workstations and open the thesis file from Aaltodoc.
  • Aalto faculty and staff can access the full texts of bachelor's theses by logging in to Aaltodoc with personal Aalto ID.
Requesting the thesis file from the Learning Centre

You can also request the electronic theses not available in the open network by sending an email to the Learning Centre. Our email address is oppimiskeskus [at] Please note that only private customers can make requests. Please mention the author’s name, title of the thesis and year of publication in your request.