This section contains image databases and visual resources openly available from the web. In addition Universities and Polytechnics may provide access to licensed image databases usable within the network of the organisation or with organisation's usernames.
Visual resources are available in a variety of subjects and disciplines in memory organisations' extensive databases. Many of these also contain Creative Commons licensed material that is easily usable in teaching, learning or research. In the following list resources marked with a heart symbol ♥ contain wholly or partially openly licensed materials.
It is good to remember that ordinary search engines cannot find the materials in these databases, so the native interfaces of the databases should be used. Digital cultural heritage materials are available both in single web services of individual museums, archives and libraries, and in large databases joined by several organisations. In Finland many organisations offer their digital materials in the Finna-service, and more widely European materials are available in Europeana.
Always read the rights information associated with an image to make sure the use permissions are sufficient to your intended use.