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Media: Journal and article assessment

Publication Forum

The Finnish Publication Forum is a classification covering scientific journals and series of various disciplines. The classification includes three levels:  1 = baseline ;  2 = leading level ; 3 = highest level.  Publication Forum is a project carried out by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies aiming to assess the publication activity as to its' amount and its' quality, as well. >

Citation databases

Web of Science and Scopus are multidisciplinary reference databases that offer information about articles as well as their connections by way of citations and references. Web of Science and Scopus databases allow you to search for the most cited articles on a topic, and citations of a specific article.

Also Google Scholar  - Google's search engine specialised in searching for scholarly information - contains citation information.



Publication assessment at Aalto University

Aalto University Library offers expertise on bibliometrics by offering advice on researcher identifiers and affiliation, and carries out bibliometric publication analyses that assess the impact and visibility of scientific publishing.

Tools for journal assessment

Publication Forum
Publication Forum maintains and develops the quantitative and qualitative classification of scholarly publication channels in Finland. The Publication Forum  is based on a classification of scholarly publication channels covering scientific journals and series in all disciplines.

Journal Citation Reports
JCR offers quantifiable statistical information based on citation data in order to measure the research influence and impact of journals mainly in Sciences and Social Sciences (Journal Impact Factor).

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Indicator
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Indicator points out a journals' visibility in the Scopus database. SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a free service for evaluating scientific publications. It may be used for searching scientific journals based on e.g. field of science.

Eigenfactor (EF)
Eigenfactor is a free journal evaluation service for calculating a journal's Eigenfactor. In the Eigenfactor calculation references have different emphases depending on how high an EF value of a referencing journal has. 

Publish or Perish
Publish or Perish is a free software program that retrieves and analyzes academic citations using Google Scholar.