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Art education: Theses and dissertations

How to publish a BA/MA thesis?

Bachelor's and master's students: instructions from the programme's web page at Student Guide.

Theses by ARTS

The Aaltodoc publication archive serves as an e-repository of theses accepted at the Aalto University (more comprehensive from 2014). This database contains reference information, as well as abstracts and full text files published on the permission of the author.

The reference information of the older printed ARTS/ TaiK theses (prior 2019) can also be checked on Aalto-Primo website. The reference information for all theses of architecture (made either in ARTS or in TKK) can only be retrieved in Aaltodoc.

Older theses are kept in a closed archive of the Learning Centre.
All printed master’s theses by Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture are in the closed archive of the Learning Centre.
You can request any theses by sending a message to Mention the title of the thesis, author’s name and publication year in the request. The material is available at the Learning Centre on the next working day after 12 noon, unless otherwise agreed. Theses cannot be borrowed.
Since 2020, all theses made at Aalto University have been published only in electronic form.




Theses from other universities

The reference information on Other Finnish universities’ theses and dissertations can be found in Finna database.

Proquest´s Dissertations & Theses database, OATD and Ebsco Open Dissertations contain open access theses and dissertations from around the world.


How to publish a dissertation?

Doctoral students can find information about publishing dissertation from the Doctoral education web page.

At Aalto University, it is recommended that all doctoral dissertations are included in Aalto University's dissertation series:

Aalto University publication series DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS

All doctoral dissertations are also recommended to be stored in the Aaltodoc publication archive maintained by the Aalto University Learning Centre. The Learning Centre is responsible for storing the electronic version of dissertations in Aaltodoc publication archive, with the permission of the doctoral candidate. 

Research projects and dissertations: Research Information Portal


Open access

Aalto University provides a university-maintained Aaltodoc publication archive as a platform for open access publication and requires its researchers to deposit their scientific publications in it.

Read more: Open access and the Aalto University Library