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E-book Guide: Ebook Central


Aalto University has access to the Ebook Central Academic Complete multidisciplinary e-book collection (187,000+ titles).

New titles can be purchased to the Ebook Central e-book collection.

Ebook Central Quick Serach

Ebook Central

Personal account

Personal user account: Yes

  • Create your own bookshelf
  • Download e-books for offline use
  • Make notes and underline the text
  • Place a hold for titles in use. Placing a hold requires that an email address has been added to the "wait list email" field in the account.  Detailed instructions for placing a hold ProQuest Ebook Central Wait List

Adding notes to e-books

Adding notes requires creating a user account to Ebook Central and logging in.

Open a book click Add note icon at the top of the page.

You can also highlight the text by clicking Highlight icon.

Using Ebook Central e-books

Can I find Ebook Central e-books from Aalto-Primo: Yes

User license: Depending on the book; single user, three user or unlimited user license OR Non-Linear (NL) access model
Under this model, titles are not restricted to linear distribution - one patron at a time - but rather they can be lent to any number of patrons concurrently. The number of days used for each loan instance is subtracted from the total number of annual loan days set for the title - usually 325. If the loan day credits have been used before the end of the subscription period, the library will either temporarily remove the e-book from our collection or purchase more credits. This depends on the price of the e-book credits.

Off campus use (for Aalto University researchers and students): Yes, use the Aalto-Primo e-book link

Digital Rights Management (DRM) protected titles: Depending on the book

Help for using Ebook Central books:


Offline use

Download to computer: Yes

  • File format: ePUB
  • Software requirement: Adobe Digital Editions
  • Personal Ebook Central account and Adobe ID is required to download e-books
  • Download period: 1-7 days

Download to mobile devices: Yes, if the publiser has permitted downloading

  • iOS and Android devices
  • Software requirements: Adobe Digital Editions app
  • Personal Ebook Central account and Adobe ID is required to download e-books
  • Download period: 1-7 days

Download to e-book reader: Yes, if the e-book reader supports the e-book format

Printing and copying

Parts of the books can be printed for personal use. You will find the print and copy limits by clicking the e-book link in Finna search service or the book title in Ebook Central website.