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Visual Resources Centre: Photography

Visual resources in photography

Are you looking for works by a specific photographer or works from the history of photography? Are interested in the development of photography, current day techniques or looking for material that can be modified for your own project?

Visual resources in photography contain digitised and born-digital photography from museums, archives and libraries. The resources include the history of photography and photographic art also covering areas of documentary photography, contemporary photography and stock photos.

Resources marked with a lock are usable within the Aalto University network and usable remotely with Aalto University login.

Resources marked with a heart contain entirely or partially openly licensed materials that can be freely used.

Observe each resource's usage rights carefully to ensure that the specified permissions cover your intended use.

Finnish Museum of Photography

Kulutusosuuskuntien Keskusliiton kokoelma D1974_33_11432B

Visual resources in photography
