Harald Herlin Learning Centre
Photo: Learning Centre building
Street address:
Otaniementie 9, Espoo
Mail address:
PO Box 17000
FI-00076 AALTO
More information:
Harald Herlin Learning Centre
Photo: Films in their boxes.
This guide contains essential information sources for Film and Stage design and advice on information searching to support study and research.
Aalto login is needed to access databases and other resources marked with a key symbol ().
Books -search for printed books and e-books
Journals- see journals available for your studies, search for e-journals and check the locations of printed journals
Articles and databases - find essential databases
Journal and article assessment - information on article and journal assessment including links to databases that offer citation information, and information on open access publishing and publication assessment at Aalto University
Dictionaries and reference works - use dictionaries and reference works offered by the library
Theses and dissertaions - provides information on accessing and publishing theses and dissertations completed at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Visual resources - guide to different kinds of image collections and services, image retrieval and copyright issues.