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Film and Stage design: Books

Printed books

Photo: Books on a shelf.

Printed collections of Design and Art and the Collections of Architecture (Learning Centre, 2nd floor) cover the fields of teaching and research of The School of Arts, Design and Architecture.
The loan period of these collections is 28 days.
Reference collections of the branch are also located on the 2nd floor.

Special Collection (Learning Centre, K-floor) contains rarities and archive copies of literature on Finnish design. This material in not available for loan, but it can be ordered to the reading room.

Both the collection of Design and Art and the collection of Architecture have a classification of their own.

Miscellaneus Disciplines

Photo: Compact shelving in K-floor.

Collections essential for research -  methodology, science and philosophy - are located on the first floor of The Learning Centre. Also coursebooks and short term loans are on first floor, as well as a collection of recent publications of Aalto University.

Collections for education, teaching, cultural history, history, psychology, sociology, and society  can be found on K-floor in open mobile shelf system. Also technical report series and the old collections of TKK and HKKK are situated on K-floor.

Joint collections are organised alphabetically under each discipline.

Book search

Search printed books and e-books from Aalto-Primo portal. Choose Library Catalog. Or search e-books from diffrent e-book databases.

Acquisition request

In case an important title (printed or e-book) is missing from the Learning Centre's collection, you can send an acquisition request to the library.

Material from other libraries

Send us an interlibrary loan request and let us find a library that holds what you need – anywhere in the world. Interlibrary service covers all kinds of print materials, usually book loans or journal article copies. Fill out the form and we will handle the rest. We charge according to our pricelist.

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