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Civil and environmental engineering: Theses and dissertations

Publishing of master's and bachelor's theses

The Master's and Bachelor’s theses are collected in Aaltodoc publication archive via MyCourses and the eAge electronic service delivery system.


  • Instructions on submitting the Master's and Bachelor’s thesis, see your school's pages in Into
  • Please note! Submit your thesis in PDF/A format.
    See instructions on converting a file to PDF/A format

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Find master's theses, licentiate theses and bachelor's theses

Theses published in electronic form can be found in the Aaltodoc publication archive. Aaltodoc

Since 2008, bachelor's theses in technology have been archived only in electronic form. 

Access to the full texts of bachelor's theses is possible at the workstations of the Learning Center as follows:

• search for a bachelor's thesis at Aaltodoc

• access to the full text opens when you click on the lock in the file

Aalto University staff can open the locked files of bachelor's theses by logging into Aaltodoc with their own Aalto credentials.

Master’s and licentiate theses and dissertations are openly available in Aaltodoc, if the author of the work has given permission.

The printed copies of master’s and licentiate theses can mainly be found in the archives of the Learning Center, where they can be ordered to read.

Electronic master’s and licentiate theses and dissertations that have not been published in Aaltodoc can be read via the Aalto Thesis Database remote desktop connection

More information about theses can be found in the Thesis collection guide:

Other theses and dissertations


Find doctoral dissertations

Printed doctoral dissertations are situated in the Learning Centre and other libraries at the Otaniemi Campus. Information on the doctoral dissertations can be searched via Aalto-Primo.

The majority of doctoral dissertations of the schools of technology have been published also in electronic format since 2000.

Electronic doctoral dissertations are available in the Aaltodoc publication archive.

Publishing of doctoral dissertations

Doctoral dissertations of the schools of technology are published mainly in the Aalto University DOCTORAL THESES series. Publications are put together on the publication platform webservice, and the process is finished with placing an order to the printing house.

It is preferable to publish the electronic version of the dissertation in Aaltodoc publication archive. The publication can be published in Aaltodoc only upon the permission of all the publication authors.

Further information: