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Physics and mathematics: Journals

Tools for journal assessment

Journal Impact Factor,
(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)

Journal Impact Factor indicates how often, in the average, a journal's published articles have been referenced during the previous two years by other journal articles during the year of calculation. Journal Citation Reports (JCR), maintained by Clarivate, also provides other scientific journals' evaluation indicators.

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Indicator

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Indicator points out  the journals' visibility in the Scopus database. SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a free service for evaluating scientific publications. It may be used for searching scientific journals based on e.g. field of science.

Eigenfactor (EF)

When calculating a journal's Eigenfactor, references have different emphases depending on how high the EF value of the referencing journal has.  is provided as a free evaluation service.

Publication Forum classification

Publication Forum is a classification covering scientific journals and series of various disciplines. The classification includes three levels:  1 = baseline ;  2 = leading level ; 3 = highest level.  Publication Forum is a project carried out by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies aiming to assess the publication activity as to its' amount and its' quality, as well.


Includes detailed information on periodicals, such as ISSN, publisher, language, subject, abstracting & indexing coverage, full-text database coverage, tables of contents, and reviews written by librarians.

Search electronic and printed journals

Search journals from Aalto-Primo using journal title or ISSN number.

Printed journals

The emphasis of journal acquisition is on electronic journals, but also printed journals and periodicals are still subscribed. Current year and five latest volumes of periodicals are in the reading room at Learning Centre´s 2nd floor.

  • Journals can not be loaned
  • Journals are arranged alphabetically
  • Journals can be searched by title in the Aalto-Primo database

Older volumes are located in open part of the mobile shelf system on K-floor. Some of the oldest / more fragile journals have been placed in a closed Special collection. Material from the closed stock can be asked for use at the customer service.

Open access databases


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