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Computer science: Books

Book collection at Learning Centre

Printed books for loan can be found in Learning Centre. The books of Learning Hub Greenhouse have been transferred to the collections of Learning Centre in June 2024. You can check the shelf category on Aalto-Primo.

Course books

Course books are located on the first floor of the Learning Centre and department libraries.
The Learning Centre acquires also e-book versions if available for the e-book platforms of the Aalto University.

Short loans

In addition to all course books for loan in Learning Centre there is a collection titled Lyhytlainat (Short loans) on the first floor.

Libraries on the map

Location service helps you to find printed books and journals in the Aalto University libraries.

Can't find it from our databases?

If you can't find the book from Aalto University libraries:

Find books and e-books

Search printed books and e-books from Aalto-Primo portal. Choose Library Catalog. Or search e-books from diffrent e-book databases.

Subject search from Aalto-Primo

Aalto-Primo is the search service of Aalto University Learning Centre. It contains the references for the collections for retrieval and location purposes. Aalto-Primo provides descriptions and availability information for books, textbooks, e-books, doctoral theses, reports, conference publications, printed journals and serials.

You'll find also e-books from Aalto-Primo. It is also recommended to search e-books from various e-book databases, where you can make exact searches by subject areas.

In Advanced search you can make subject searches using search words.   

Google Book search

Google Book Search

E-book databases


E-book databases on computer science

Need help with e-books?

Please visit our e-book guide if you need help for finding and using e-books.

Using e-resources

Aalto University students and staff:

  • Using university workstations on landline network
  • Using Aalto University username and password to login from outside of the university network (off-campus use)
  • Using the Eduroam network or through VPN connection whenever needed

Other customers:

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