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Evaluating publication activities - bibliometrics: Home

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Helsinki University Library's guide


Oulu university Library's guide

Evaluation based on scientific publishing

Evaluating publication activities - bibliometrics

Evaluating publication activities in Aalto University

Bibliometrics can be used to evaluate the visibility and impact of publication activities of an individual researcher or to compare units within a certain field. Analysis based on citations and publication amounts are potential tools in recruitments, career assessments, funding applications and in organizations internal evaluations. All of the best-known university rankings are also based on citation analysis. Also the quality of publications, analyzed with the Publication Forum tool, affects the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture’s funding allocated to the university.     

Representing affiliation information

For purposes of researcher evaluations and assessments, it is very important that the authors represent their organization correctly in scientific publications. The address must be indicated as follows: Department of X, Aalto University, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland. Name of the Department is written in full open, abbreviations are not used.

Bibliometric services

Aalto University Management Information Services (MIS) and RES Open Science and ACRIS team team offers bibliometric services for Aalto University’s researchers in the forms of publication analyses, which examine the visibility and impact of publication activities. Publication analysis are also utilized in the Tenure Track recruitment and career paths at different stages.

For more information related to evaluating publication activities or bibliometrics, please contact:

Publications analysis related to Tenure Track recruitment, please contact:



For more information related to evaluating publication activities or bibliometrics, please contact:

Publications analysis related to Tenure Track recruitment, please contact: